The artwork, "White Wonderland" expresses a memory of a snowy night in my childhood. I was amazed by the snow falling soundlessly in the middle of the night. The big snowflakes almost immediately covered everything outside the glass window, including the roof, the fence, and the stairs as well as my mother's garden. The scenery blanketed by so much snow under the moonlight had transformed into a mysterious white wonderland. The artwork visualizes that beautiful snowy landscape using Korean temple-door bojagi pattern called chill-bo-moon-jeun-bo (칠보문전보).
작품, White Wonderland는 나의 어린 시절 눈이 내린 밤에 대한 기억을 한국의 천연섬유와 칠보문전보 기법을 이용하여 추상적으로 표현하고 있다.